ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Road surface marking

Road surface markings are like the lines and shapes that you see on the road when you're driving in a car. They are kind of like road signs, but they are on the ground instead of on a pole.

Road surface markings are important because they help drivers know where they should drive and where they shouldn't. They also help drivers stay in their lanes and avoid collisions with other cars. For example, the big, white line in the middle of the road helps drivers know which direction they should be going in, and also helps them know where they should stay on the road.

The markings are usually made with a special kind of paint that is very bright and easy to see. The paint is put onto the road by a special machine that is kind of like a really big printer. The machine sprays the paint onto the road in precise lines and shapes.

Sometimes, road surface markings are also made with little pieces of plastic called reflectors. These reflectors are also very bright and help drivers know where the road is when it's dark or rainy outside.

So, the next time you're driving, try to notice all the road surface markings and how they help you stay safe and drive in the right direction!