ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Robust optimization

Robust optimization is like packing a backpack for a hike. Imagine you're going on a trip, and you have to pack a backpack with everything you need. You can plan for what you think you'll need, but you can't predict everything that might happen. So, you pack your backpack with things that will help you in different situations.

Robust optimization is similar. It's a way of making sure that your plan will work even if things don't go exactly as you expect. It's like packing your backpack with extra supplies just in case.

For example, let's say you're a business owner, and you're trying to maximize your profits. You might make a plan that assumes certain things will happen, like a certain amount of demand for your product or a specific cost for materials. But in reality, things might not go exactly as planned. Maybe there's a sudden increase in demand, or the cost of materials goes up.

Robust optimization takes these kinds of uncertainties into account. It helps you create a plan that will work well even if things don't happen exactly as you expect. So, instead of relying on just one plan, you have a set of plans that you can choose from depending on what happens.

Overall, robust optimization is a way of being prepared for unexpected situations. It helps you create plans that are flexible and adaptable, so you can still achieve your goals even if things don't go according to plan.