ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Russian avos'

Oh little one, have you heard of the term 'avos' from Russia? It's a unique concept that means predicting the future based on chance or luck. This is often used by people who don't want to make a decision or commit to a plan, leaving things up to fate.

Here's an example so that you can understand better: imagine you want to plan a picnic with your friends, but you're not sure about the weather. Instead of checking the forecast and making a plan to either have the picnic or not, you might say "Let's just go with avos'!" This means that you're leaving it up to luck whether the weather is good or bad, and you'll make a last-minute decision based on that.

Avos' is a popular concept in Russia because historically there was a lot of unpredictability and uncertainty, especially during the Soviet era. People couldn't always rely on things to go as planned, so they often left things up to chance instead. Even today, avos' is a part of Russian culture and way of thinking.

But while avos' can be useful in some situations, it's also important to remember that sometimes you need to make a decision and take action. You can't always leave things up to chance and hope for the best. So, little one, it's good to have a balance of both planning ahead and being open to the unexpected.