ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sami people

Sami people are a group of people who live in the northern parts of Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia. They have their own unique culture, language, and traditions that they have been practicing for thousands of years. They are also sometimes called the "Laplanders" by other people, but this name is considered to be offensive by some Sami people.

Sami people traditionally live in small communities that are spread far apart from each other. They have a lot of respect for nature and the environment, and they have a lot of traditions and stories about the animals and plants that they use for food or medicine. They are known for their reindeer hunting and fishing practices, which are very important to their way of life.

In the past, Sami people were not always treated kindly by the governments of the countries where they live. Many times they were forced to leave their homes and lose their traditional way of life. However, in recent years there has been more recognition of their culture and efforts to support their rights.

Today, many Sami people still practice their traditional way of life, but they have also adapted to modern ways of living. They have their own schools, music, and clothing styles, and their language is recognized as an official language in some regions of the countries where they live. Although they have faced many challenges throughout history, Sami people continue to be proud of their heritage and work towards a better future for themselves and their communities.