ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Dear little one,

Sapience is something that separates us humans from animals. You know how we can think, learn, and make decisions? That's what sapience is all about. It's like having a very special kind of intelligence that helps us do amazing things.

See, animals can learn too. A puppy can learn to sit, and a bird can learn to fly. But humans have a special ability called "abstract thinking." That means we can think about things that don't exist in the physical world like imagining a unicorn or thinking about what it would be like to fly into space.

Sapience involves being able to think about those abstract concepts, to understand what other people are thinking and feeling, and to use that information to make decisions. For example, when you get ready for school in the morning, you're making lots of decisions like what to wear and what to eat for breakfast. That's all a part of your sapience!

So sapience is like a really special kind of intelligence that lets us think, learn, and make decisions using abstract concepts. And the great thing is that we get better at it as we grow older!