ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Satellite phone

Okay kiddo, have you ever looked up at the night sky and seen little sparkly lights moving around? Those are satellites, and they orbit our planet way up in space.

Now, some really smart people figured out a way to use those satellites to help people talk on the phone even if they are very far away from each other or don't have any cell towers nearby. They made something called a satellite phone!

It's a special kind of phone that works kind of like a walkie-talkie but much, much fancier. Instead of communicating with a short-range radio, a satellite phone can send its signal all the way up to a satellite, which then bounces the signal back down to another satellite phone, just like magic!

This means that even if you're in a remote place like the middle of the desert or the middle of the ocean, you can still make a phone call with a satellite phone.

But because this technology is so special and fancy, it can be pretty expensive, so it's not the kind of phone everyone uses every day. But, it's really cool when it's needed!