ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Scots' Dike

Okay kiddo, let me explain what the Scots' Dike is all about.

A long time ago, in Scotland, there were some people who didn't like each other very much. They were called the Scottish and the English. One day, the Scottish king wanted to make sure that his land was safe from the English people. So he told his people to build a wall. But this wall wasn't just any wall. It was a really long and strong wall.

This wall was called the Scots' Dike. It was made of earth and stones and was about 12 feet high and 6 feet wide. The wall was built along the border between Scotland and England. It was supposed to stop the English people from coming into Scotland.

But, the Scots' Dike wasn't enough to keep the English away. There were still some battles that happened between the Scottish and English people. So, the Scots' Dike wasn't very effective. Eventually, the two countries had to make a peace treaty and the wall wasn't needed anymore.

Today, you can still see parts of the Scots' Dike. It's mostly just a line of humps and bumps in the ground. But it reminds us of the history between Scotland and England and how they used to be enemies at one time.