ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sea level equation

Imagine you are standing on the beach and looking out at the big blue ocean. The sea level is the height of the surface of the ocean compared to the land that you are standing on. This is important because it can change and affect the land and people who live near the coast.

Scientists use a special equation to track changes in sea level over time. It’s like a math formula that helps them figure out how high or low the sea level is at a certain place and time.

The equation has two main parts:

1. The first part is called the “eustatic” factor, which means that it takes into account the average changes in sea level all around the world. This is important because the sea level changes differently in different places, and it’s also affected by things like the melting of ice caps and glaciers, changes in ocean temperature and currents, and even the amount of rainfall.

2. The second part is called the “local” factor, which means that it takes into account the changes in sea level at a specific location. This is important because even though the average sea level changes slowly over time, there can be big differences in sea level depending on the location. For example, one area might have higher or lower sea levels because of the shape of the land or the way the tides and currents flow in that area.

When scientists put both of these factors together, they can create a sea level equation that helps them understand how sea level is changing in a certain place over time. This information can be used to help predict how sea level might change in the future, and to plan for how to protect people and property near the coast.