ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Selbstschutz is a German word that means "self-protection." This means keeping yourself safe from harm or danger without needing help from someone else.

Imagine you're playing outside and someone starts chasing you. It's important to know how to protect yourself so that you don't get hurt. You can hide behind a tree, run to a trusted grown-up, or use your voice to yell for help. These are all ways to practice selbstschutz.

In everyday life, practicing selbstschutz means being aware of your surroundings and knowing how to protect yourself if something unsafe happens. For example, if you're walking alone at night, it's important to stay in well-lit areas, be aware of who is around you, and have a plan in case something happens.

Remember, it's always okay to ask for help if you feel scared or unsure. But learning about selbstschutz can help you feel more confident in protecting yourself when you need to.