ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Self publishing

Self-publishing is like writing a story or drawing a picture all by yourself and then deciding to share it with other people. Instead of sending it to a big company like a book publisher, you do everything on your own.

First, you have to decide what you want to write or draw. Then, you make it into a nice book or comic that other people can read. This means putting it into a nice format, thinking about what it will look like, and adding some pictures and colors if you want.

Once your story or picture book is ready, you have to figure out how to share it with other people. This is where self-publishing comes in. You can create an account on a website like Amazon, where you can upload your book or comic and make it for sale.

People who want to read your book can find it on the website and pay to download it onto their computer, tablet, or phone. You can also choose to make printed copies of your book for people who want to hold a real copy in their hands.

Self-publishing can be a lot of work, but it's also really exciting because you get to share your ideas with a lot of people. You don't have to wait for a big company to tell you what to do--you can make your own choices!