ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Serial (publishing)

Imagine you are drawing a picture and you want your friends to see it, but you only have a small piece of paper to show them. You decide to draw your picture in parts, piece by piece, on each small piece of paper. Each time you finish a part of the picture, you show it to your friends. This is kind of like serial publishing!

Serial publishing is when a story or article is released in parts, or episodes, over a period of time. Instead of releasing the entire story all at once, it is divided into smaller pieces and released bit by bit. These smaller pieces are usually published in a magazine, newspaper or online platform, sometimes on a regular schedule like once a week or once a month.

Just like drawing your picture in parts, when authors write a book in serial format, they split the complete story into smaller chunks or episodes, and share each part publicly. This can help them build an audience and keep readers excited to see what happens next.

Once all the parts of the story have been released, they are often compiled into one complete book that can be read from beginning to end. This is like taking all the small pieces of your picture and putting them together to see the entire picture.

So, serial publishing is just like telling a story bit by bit, like small puzzle pieces, until the larger story is complete.