ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Serpent symbolism

Imagine you're playing pretend with your friends and you decide to be a snake. What are some things you might do or say to show that you're a snake? You might hiss, slither around, and wiggle your body. Snakes have been around for a very, very long time, even longer than humans have been around! Because of this, snakes have been featured in lots of different stories and myths throughout history, and they often symbolize different things.

One thing that people might think of when they think of snakes is how they shed their skin. When a snake sheds its skin, it's like it's starting fresh with a new look. This can be a symbol for renewal and rebirth. It's like starting over and getting a second chance.

Another thing that snakes are known for is their venom. Some snakes have venom that can hurt people, so they can be seen as dangerous or even evil. In some stories, snakes are used to represent things that are scary or bad, like the devil or temptation.

On the other hand, some people see snakes as wise and knowledgeable creatures. Throughout history, many cultures have associated snakes with healing and medicine. For example, the ancient Greeks believed that a snake wrapped around a staff was a symbol of healing, and this symbol is still used in medicine today.

So, depending on who you talk to, snakes can mean a lot of different things! They can be symbols of renewal and rebirth, danger and evil, or wisdom and healing. The next time you see a snake, think about what it might represent to you.