ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Seven factors of enlightenment

Okay kiddo, so adults who practice mindfulness and meditation talk about something called the "seven factors of enlightenment." These are things that help us become better at meditation and be more mindful in our everyday life.

The first is mindfulness, which means paying attention to what's happening right now without getting distracted. It's like when you're coloring a picture and you're really focused on staying inside the lines.

The second is investigation, which means looking closely at something to understand it better. It's like when you ask a lot of questions to learn about something new.

The third is energy, which means having the motivation to keep trying even when things get hard. It's like when you're playing a game and you really want to win, so you keep trying even when you lose.

The fourth is joy, which means feeling happy and excited about what you're doing. It's like when you're doing something you really love, like dancing or singing.

The fifth is relaxation, which means feeling calm and peaceful. It's like when you're lying in bed and everything feels cozy and comfortable.

The sixth is concentration, which means focusing all your attention on one thing. It's like when you're reading a really good book and you're so into it that you forget everything else.

The seventh is equanimity, which means being calm and balanced both inside and outside. It's like when you're playing a game with your friends and you're happy no matter who wins because you're just happy to be playing together.

All of these factors work together to help us become better at meditating and being more mindful in our everyday life. And just like how you practice your ABCs or your counting, practicing these factors helps us get better and better over time. So, keep practicing, kiddo!
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