ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sex separation

Okay kiddo, you know how there are two types of bodies: boys and girls? Well, sex separation is when people try to figure out which type of body someone has. It's like trying to solve a puzzle or a mystery!

One way to do this is by looking at someone's genitals. Girls have a vulva and boys have a penis and testicles. Another way to tell is by looking at other physical characteristics like the shape of their body, their voice, and the way their hormones work.

But sometimes, people don't feel like the body they have matches who they are on the inside. This can be really confusing and hard for them. So, some people choose to change their body to match who they feel like they are. This is called transitioning.

Overall, sex separation can be complicated because everyone is different and unique in their own way. But it's important to respect and support everyone, no matter what type of body they have or how they choose to identify.