ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


A sextant is a special tool that helps people figure out where they are when they're at sea. Imagine you're playing a game of hide and seek, but instead of hiding, you're trying to find your way to a special place on the other side of town. To do that, you need to know how to get there by looking at a map or some other clues like street signs.

Now, imagine you're out at sea and there are no street signs or maps. That's where the sextant comes in. It helps people figure out where they are by looking at the sun or stars in the sky. It works kind of like a very special ruler that can measure the angle between the horizon (the line where the sea and sky meet) and a star.

To use a sextant, you first look through a special eyepiece and line it up with the horizon. Then, you move a special mirror until you can see the sun or a star. Finally, you use another special mirror to measure the angle between the horizon and the star. This tells you how far north or south you are from the Equator (an imaginary line around the middle of the Earth) and helps you navigate to your destination.

Sextants are very important for people who sail ships or fly airplanes, but they can also be used by regular people who like to explore and see new things. They are very precise and can help you find your way even when you're in a place where you've never been before.