ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sexual division of labour

Sexual division of labour is when people are divided into different roles based on their gender. So, boys and girls, men and women usually have different jobs or tasks they are expected to do just because they are male or female. For example, girls might be encouraged to play with dolls and do household chores, while boys would be encouraged to play with cars and do outdoor work. This division has been created because of cultural, social and biological differences between males and females.

This division of labour is not equal and fair because people are not given equal opportunities to perform different tasks, and they are not allowed to excel in areas traditionally associated with the other gender. For example, girls are not encouraged to pursue careers in engineering or science, while men are not taught to cook or clean the house. This division of labour can also limit people's choices and potential, restricting them from exploring areas where they could excel.

In conclusion, sexual division of labour is a practice where people are required to perform different tasks or roles based on their gender. It is often unfair and limiting since individuals are not given equal opportunities to excel in their chosen field or task. It is important that we promote equality and fairness, allowing individuals to pursue their dreams and learn in areas where they are interested in and have talent.