ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Shavian alphabet

Shavian alphabet is a special type of writing that was created by a man named George Bernard Shaw. The way we usually write is called the "Latin alphabet," but Shavian is a different way of writing that uses different letters and symbols.

The reason George Bernard Shaw created the Shavian alphabet is because he thought that the Latin alphabet was too complicated and had too many rules. So he decided to make a new way of writing that was simple and easy to understand.

In the Shavian alphabet, instead of writing "A," "B," "C," and so on, you would write "ee," "oo," "th," and other letters and symbols that represent different sounds. For example, instead of writing "cat," you would write "thooee."

Some people use the Shavian alphabet today, but most people still use the Latin alphabet. However, it's interesting to learn about different ways of writing and how people came up with them!