ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ship canal

A ship canal is like a big ditch that is dug out so that ships can travel through it instead of having to go around land. Imagine if you wanted to go from one side of a big hill to the other, but instead of going over the hill, you could go through a special tunnel that was dug out just for you. That's kind of like what a ship canal is for ships.

Ships are really big and heavy so they need a lot of water to float in. When people build a ship canal, they dig out a really long and wide channel that is filled with water for the ships to float in. This way, the ships can go through the canal without having to worry about running into land or running out of water.

Ship canals are really important because they help ships get to different places faster and more easily. Imagine if you were on a big road trip, and you could either take the highway or have to drive all around a big mountain. The highway would be a lot faster and easier, right? That's kind of like what ship canals do for ships.

Some famous ship canals include the Panama Canal, which is in Central America and connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, and the Suez Canal, which is in Egypt and connects the Mediterranean and Red Seas.