ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Signalling block system

Alright kiddo, today we're going to talk about something called a signalling block system. Have you ever played with toy train sets before? Well, you know how the trains have to follow a certain path on the tracks? And how there are different lines and switches that can make the train go to different places?

A signalling block system is kind of like that, but for real trains that carry people and things. Trains have to follow certain tracks to get to their destination, and they need to all stay a safe distance away from each other so they don't crash. That's where the signalling block system comes in.

You see, the tracks are divided up into different sections called blocks. Each block has a signal that tells the train whether it's safe to enter that block or not. If the block ahead of the train is already occupied by another train, the signal will show a red light and the train will have to wait until the block is clear before it can move forward.

So basically, the signalling block system is a way to make sure that trains can move around safely and efficiently, without running into each other. It helps avoid accidents and keeps the trains running smoothly. Pretty neat, huh?