ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Single customer view

Imagine you have a bunch of toys scattered all around your room. Now, you want to clean your room and put all your toys in one place. That way, you can easily see all the toys you have, where they are and what you might need to add or remove from your collection.

Similarly, companies collect lots of information about their customers. This data might be spread across different departments or systems, making it difficult to see a complete picture of each customer. A single customer view is like putting all the toys in one place, but for customer data. It means bringing together all the information a company has about a customer from different sources and putting it in one place so that they can see a complete and accurate picture of who the customer is, what they like, what they've purchased in the past, and how they've interacted with the company.

Having a single view of the customer helps companies better understand their customers, develop targeted marketing campaigns, provide better customer service, and ultimately, drive more business. Just like it's easier to keep track of your toys when they're all in one place, it's easier for companies to manage their customer relationships when they have a single customer view.
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