ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Single-Handed Trans-Atlantic Race

Imagine you are playing a big game of tag, but instead of running around the playground, you are racing across a really big ocean all by yourself. That's what the Single-Handed Trans-Atlantic Race is all about!

The race is a really long-distance sailing competition where sailors race across the Atlantic Ocean from one side to the other, starting from England and ending in the United States. What makes this race so special is that each sailor is all alone in their boat, no crew or friends to help them out.

It's a really tough challenge because the Atlantic Ocean is really big and there are lots of things that can happen while you're out at sea. The sailors have to navigate their boats through storms, giant waves, and deal with any broken parts on their boats all on their own. It's a test of their sailing skills, their physical endurance, and their mental toughness too.

The race can take anywhere from 2 weeks to a few months depending on how fast the sailors can sail and what the weather conditions are like. But, when sailors finally make it across the finish line in the USA, they can be proud knowing they accomplished something amazing and they did it all by themselves!