ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Single-gender world

Imagine a world where only boys exist or a world where only girls live. This means that everyone you know, meet, and see will be of the same gender as you. Boys will be with boys, and girls will be with girls. There will be no mixed-gender schools, sports teams, or workplaces.

In a single-gender world, everyone has the same opportunities and experiences based on their gender. Boys and girls will learn the same things but in different ways, and they will have different expectations and roles in society. For example, boys may be expected to be tough and aggressive, while girls may be expected to be nurturing and caring.

While it might seem like a good idea to some people, it could also be problematic. Single-gender world could result in gender stereotypes and discrimination. Without exposure to people of different genders, people may not learn how to interact with them and may develop prejudices against them.

In addition, not everyone identifies as strictly male or female. In a single-gender world, non-binary people would not fit in and could feel ostracized.

In conclusion, while a single-gender world could provide a unique experience, it could also lead to social problems and exclusion of individuals who identify outside the strict gender binary. It is essential to embrace and celebrate diversity in all its forms.