ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Six degrees of separation

Do you know how you have friends and family that you know really well? And your friends and family know other people that you don't know? Well, imagine if you took all of those people and connected them like a giant spider web.

You could draw lines from each person to everyone they know. And then from those people to everyone they know. And on and on, until you have a big web of people.

Now, here's where it gets really cool. Do you know the saying "six degrees of separation"? It means that you are only six connections away from anyone else in the world. That means that if you pick a person on the other side of the world, and then connect the dots through all the people you and your friends know, you could get to that person in just six steps.

So, let's say you know your mom, who knows her friend Sarah, who knows her cousin Jack, who knows a guy named Ahmed in Pakistan. Boom, you're connected to Ahmed in just four steps.

It's kind of like a game of "Telephone" but with people instead of words. And it shows how small the world can be, and how connected we all are.