ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Small arms trade

Small arms trade involves buying and selling weapons that are easy to carry and use, like guns and rifles. This is not something that is good for people to do because these weapons can hurt or kill people.

Imagine if you had a toy gun and you pretended to shoot it at your friend. You might think it's just a game, but if you had a real gun, it could really hurt or kill someone when you use it.

People who trade small arms are buying and selling weapons that are made to be used by only one person at a time. These weapons can be used for hunting or for sports, but they can also be used to hurt or kill people.

Trading small arms is not allowed in many countries because it can cause a lot of damage and hurt many people. It is important to remember that guns are not toys and should only be used by trained professionals, like police officers and soldiers, to protect people.