ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Snow grooming

So, imagine you make a really big sandcastle on the beach. You're really proud of it, but then the waves come and mess everything up. You might pat down the sand and try to smooth it out again with your hands, right? Well, that's kind of what snow grooming is like!

Instead of sand, it's with snow. Some people like to ski, snowboard, or even just play in the snow. But if the snow isn't smooth and flat, it can be really hard to do those things. That's where snow grooming comes in.

Snow grooming is when special machines drive over the snow and flatten it out. They have a big blade on the front that pushes the snow down and makes it flat. Then, there's a big drum with spikes on it that rolls over the snow to make it even smoother.

The machines can also create little bumps and shapes in the snow, like a roller coaster for skiers and snowboarders to play on! Once the snow is groomed, it's much easier and more fun to play on.

It's kind of like playing with a toy bulldozer in a sandbox, but on a REALLY big scale.