ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Social Security number

Your social security number (SSN) is a very special number that the government gives to each and every person in the United States. Think of it like your personal secret code that helps the government keep track of important things about you.

When you are born, your parents will usually apply for a SSN for you so that you can have an identification number that you will use for the rest of your life. This number is made up of nine digits, and it’s a really big deal because it is used for many different things.

For example, when you start working, your boss will ask for your SSN so that they can report how much money you earned to the government. And when you retire, you will need your SSN to get your Social Security benefits, which is money that the government gives to people who have worked hard for a long time.

You also have to be very careful with your SSN because bad people might try to steal it and use it to pretend to be you. That’s why you shouldn’t share it with anyone except for your parents or other trusted grown-ups.

So remember, your social security number is like your super secret code that helps the government keep track of you and make sure you’re taken care of.