ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Social degeneration

Social degeneration is a big grown-up term that means we're worried about society becoming worse over time. It's like when you play with your toys and they start to break and fall apart. We worry that the same thing might happen to the way we all act and live together as a society.

It's not just about toys, though. People are worried that we might be becoming less kind to each other, less helpful, less caring, and less respectful. They think that people might be becoming more selfish, more aggressive, and more mean to each other.

To make sure that we don't become socially degenerated, we need to work together to be kind, helpful, and respectful to each other. We need to share and care for one another like we do with our toys. By treating each other with kindness and respect, we can help prevent social degeneration from happening.