ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Somatoform disorder

Okay kiddo, let me explain somatoform disorder to you. Have you ever heard of someone feeling sick, but not having a specific medical problem that doctors can find? That's what somatoform disorder is all about. People with this disorder experience physical symptoms that can't be explained by actual medical conditions.

Now, let's break it down a little further. Our brains are responsible for controlling our bodies and our emotions. Sometimes, if we are feeling really worried or sad, our brains can make our bodies feel physically discomforted too. Somatoform disorder happens when someone's brain does this very strongly, so they feel a lot of physical pain or discomfort even though there's no actual physical problem.

For example, let's say someone with somatoform disorder feels like they have a constant stomach ache, even though they have a healthy digestive system. Or maybe they feel like they're always tired, even if their body is healthy and getting enough rest. Sometimes people with this disorder may even experience things like muscle weakness or vision problems, but even when they go to a bunch of doctors for tests, they can't find anything wrong.

It's important to note that people with somatoform disorder are not making up their symptoms; they really do feel the pain or discomfort. And just because they don't have a specific medical issue, that does not mean their symptoms are any less real or valid. With proper treatment and support from doctors, therapists, and loved ones, people with somatoform disorder can learn to manage and reduce their symptoms.