Hey there kiddo! Today, we are going to talk about sound. Have you ever heard a bird chirping or your favorite song playing on the radio? Well, that's all because of sound.
Everything in this world makes a sound, even you, but not all sounds are the same. Some sounds are loud, while others are soft. Some are high-pitched, while others are low-pitched.
But what is sound?
Sound is a kind of energy that moves through the air around us. Just like you throw a ball, sound travels through the air in waves that reach our ears. That's how we hear things!
The sound travels through the air in the form of vibrations. These vibrations are like tiny movements that travel through the air and reach our ears.
Certain things can create these vibrations, like when you clap your hands, or your friend plays the drums. These make waves that travel through the air and reach your ear, so you can hear the sound.
Did you know that sound travels super fast? It travels at a speed of about 767 miles per hour! That's why when something happens far away, like lightning strikes, you see the light first and then hear the sound a little later.
Sound can also be changed by different things, like if you speak through a big tube or a small one. That changes the way the sound waves move and how they reach our ears.
So, there you have it! Sound is a type of energy that travels through the air as vibrations, and that's how we can hear things - from our favorite songs to the chirping of birds.