ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Spaceshiptwo is a special kind of airplane that is designed to go really, really high up into the sky, almost to space! It's like when you go on a plane to go on vacation, but this plane goes much higher, so high that you can see the Earth's curve!

Spaceshiptwo is unique because it takes off like a regular airplane, but then it separates from the plane that carried it up and uses special rockets to go even higher. When it gets really high up in the sky, it can detach from the rockets and float in space for a little bit before coming back down to Earth.

Spaceshiptwo is different than other airplanes because it's designed to be able to go up and down from space over and over again, like a roller coaster ride. This means that scientists and other people can go up into space to study or just to experience what it's like without having to worry about going through intense astronaut training like real astronauts do.

Spaceshiptwo is also designed to be environmentally friendly, which means it doesn't hurt our planet like other airplanes can. It uses special fuel that doesn't produce harmful gases, and it's built to be reusable, which means it can be used again and again. This is really important because it helps us learn more about space without hurting our planet.