ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Spacetime (mathematics)

Okay little one, imagine you are playing with your toys on the floor. Now imagine that instead of just playing on the floor, you can also play on the walls and the ceiling. That's what spacetime is like. It's a big playground where everything can move in any direction and it's made of four different parts: three for space and one for time.

To understand spacetime, we have to think of it as a big blanket that stretches over everything in the universe. And just like a blanket, spacetime can stretch and bend. Imagine if you put a heavy ball in the middle of the blanket, it would make a dip in the fabric. This is what happens when a massive object, like a planet or a star, is put in spacetime. It bends and warps the fabric of spacetime around it, causing objects nearby to be attracted towards it.

The way this is measured and described is through some complicated mathematics. But the basic idea is that we use a tool called a coordinate system to label the different points in spacetime. These are like little markers that we can use to find where things are in space and time.

In this way, we can describe the motion of particles and objects in spacetime. It helps us understand why things move the way they do in the universe, like why the planets orbit the sun or why light bends near massive objects. It's really fascinating stuff, but also pretty complicated. But don't worry, you'll learn more about it as you grow up!