ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Hi kiddo! Have you ever gotten a lot of junk mail in your mailbox? Well, this is kind of like that! Spamming is when someone sends a lot of unwanted messages, usually through email or text messages, to people they don't know or who did not give them permission to send them messages.

Imagine someone giving you a bag of candy, but you only like one type of candy, and the rest are not your favorite. Now, imagine someone giving you lots and lots of bags of the candy you don't like. That's what happens when someone spams you with messages that you didn't ask for, and it's not nice.

People spam for lots of reasons, some want to sell things or promote a product, while others want to scam you or take your personal information. It can be frustrating to receive lots of unwanted messages, and some people even get angry or feel unsafe because of it.

So remember, just like you don't like getting bags and bags of candy that you don't want, other people don't like getting unwanted messages either. It's always best to only message people who know and trust you, and make sure you have their permission before sending them anything.