ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sponsor (commercial)

A sponsor is someone who gives you money or other things to help you do something. For example, let's say you are going to have a lemonade stand, but you need money to buy lemons, sugar, cups, and other things. A sponsor could give you some money to buy those things so you can have a successful lemonade stand.

Sometimes big companies want to help people do things, too. They might give money to a sports team to buy uniforms and equipment, or they might give money to a TV show so that they can show their commercials during the show. This can help the company make more money because more people see their commercials and might want to buy their products.

In exchange for giving you money or other things, sponsors often ask for something back. This could be something as simple as a thank-you note or a shout-out on social media. But sometimes, sponsors ask for something bigger, like putting their company logo on your lemonade stand or having the TV show mention their products in the show. It's important to talk with your sponsor and agree on what both of you expect from each other!