ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Spy pixel

Okay kiddo, have you ever seen a secret detective movie where the detective hides a tiny camera somewhere to spy on someone? Well, a spy pixel is kind of like that, but for the internet!

When you visit a website or open an email, there might be a tiny invisible image called a "spy pixel" hidden in it. This tiny image is used by the person who sent the email or runs the website to spy on you and see what you're doing.

The spy pixel is really small, like the size of a pinhead, and it's usually a single colored dot that blends into the background of the website or email. When your device opens the email or loads the website, it also loads and displays that tiny spy pixel without you even realizing it.

By using the spy pixel, the person who sent the email or owns the website can track:

- How many times you open the email or visit the website
- The time you opened the email or visited the website
- Your approximate location based on your IP address
- The type of device you're using (like a phone or computer)
- Information about your internet browser (like Chrome, Firefox, or Safari)

This can be used to help website owners improve their website or marketers to better target their ads, but it can also be used to invade your privacy without your permission.

So, it's important to be careful and watch out for spy pixels, and you can do this by using an ad blocker, disabling images in your email settings, or using a privacy-focused browser extension.
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