ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Stanley Milgram

Stanley Milgram was a man who studied how people behave in certain situations. He wanted to know if people would obey orders from authority figures, even if it meant hurting others.

To test his theory, he made an experiment where people were asked to shock another person if they got an answer to a question wrong. Even though the shocks were not real, the people doing the shocking didn't know that. As the questions got harder, the shocks got stronger.

Surprisingly, many participants kept giving the shocks even though they could hear the person they were shocking screaming in pain. Milgram wanted to find out why people followed orders even when it went against their own morals.

In the end, the experiment showed how people are willing to obey authority figures, even if it means causing harm to others. This experiment is still talked about today and is important for understanding how people behave in certain situations.