ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Stock Keeping Unit

A stock keeping unit or SKU is like a special code that helps people keep track of things they buy and sell.

Imagine that you have a toy box with lots of toys inside. Each toy has a different name like "Barbie", "Hot Wheels", or "Transformers," and each toy has a different color, size, and shape. It can get pretty confusing to keep track of everything!

But if you use a stock keeping unit, it's like giving each toy a special number or code. So, "Barbie" might have the SKU "B001," "Hot Wheels" might have "HW002," and "Transformers" might have "T003."

With these special codes, it's much easier to know which toys are in the box and how many of each you have. It's also easier to sell and buy toys when you can quickly identify them with a special code.

In real life, businesses use SKUs for things like products in a store or items in a warehouse. It's like giving each item a name tag, so everyone knows what's what.