ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Strategy of tension

Dear kiddo,

Have you ever heard the phrase "strategy of tension"? It's a really complicated idea, but I'll try to explain it in a way that you can understand.

Imagine you're playing a game with your friends. You're trying to win, but they're trying to win too. Sometimes, they might try to trick you into thinking something that's not true, or they might try to make you feel really scared or upset so that you don't play as well. This is kind of like what the strategy of tension is.

It's a way of creating tension or fear in people to control them. Sometimes, bad people or groups will try to create a lot of fear and tension in a whole country or community to get people to do what they want. They might do this by starting fights, making bombs go off, or spreading rumors to make people scared.

The goal of the strategy of tension is to create chaos and fear so that people will feel like they need someone to protect them. Then, these bad people or groups will come in and say, "We'll protect you, as long as you do what we say." That's why it's really important to be aware of the strategy of tension and to always be careful when someone is trying to make you feel scared or when things seem too chaotic.

Overall, the strategy of tension is a bad thing and we should all work together to prevent it from happening. Remember to always be kind, truthful, and brave!