ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Culture of fear

Have you ever been really scared of something? Maybe you were scared of the dark or a monster under your bed? Imagine feeling scared like that all the time, even when there's no monster or anything really scary around.

This is kind of what happens in a culture of fear. It means people are always feeling fearful, like they're in danger, even if there's not really anything to be afraid of.

Sometimes this fear comes from something real, like a crime or a scary event or a natural disaster. But in a culture of fear, people keep talking about it and exaggerating it, so the fear just grows and grows. It's like a big scary story that never ends.

The media can play a big role in this too. They might keep reporting on the same scary thing over and over, even if it's not a big deal anymore. This makes people feel like they're always in danger, even when they're not.

When people are in a culture of fear, they might start changing their behavior because of it. They might avoid doing things they used to enjoy, like going out with friends, because they're afraid something bad will happen. They might start being suspicious of other people, even if they haven't done anything wrong.

So, a culture of fear is when people are always feeling scared, even when there's not really anything to be scared of. It can make them change the way they act and feel, and it's not a nice way to live.