ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Stream flow

Stream flow is like water flowing in a river or a stream. It moves from one place to another.

Imagine you are playing with a hose and you turn it on. The water starts to flow out and you can see it moving. The hose is like a stream, and the water flowing out is like the stream flow.

Now, think about what would happen if you put a rock in the way of the water flowing out of the hose. The water would have to go around the rock. This is what happens in a river or a stream too. When there are rocks, logs, or other things in the way, the water has to go around them.

Stream flow can also change based on how much water is in the stream. When it rains a lot, there will be more water in the stream and it will flow faster. When it doesn't rain for a long time, there won't be as much water in the stream and it will flow slower.

So, stream flow is just water moving in a river or stream, and it can change based on what is in the way and how much water there is.