ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sumo wrestling

Sumo wrestling is a sport from Japan where two big, strong men (or sometimes women) called "sumo wrestlers" try to push each other out of a circle or ring called a "dohyo".

The wrestlers wear a special outfit called a "mawashi", which is a type of cloth belt that covers their private parts (like underpants) and is tied in a special way. They also have a lot of rules and rituals, like throwing salt in the ring for good luck and slapping their thighs before they start.

During a sumo match, the wrestlers try to push each other out of the ring or make each other touch the ground with any body part besides their feet. If a wrestler does this, they win the match!

Sumo wrestling is a very old sport in Japan, and many people consider it to be a cultural treasure. Sumo wrestlers are also very respected in Japan and are often seen as symbols of strength and endurance.