ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Supernumerary body parts

Sometimes, our bodies can have extra body parts that we don't really need. It's like having extra fingers or toes, or even an extra nipple on our bodies.

But why do we have these extra body parts? Sometimes it's just a genetic thing, where our parents pass down certain traits that cause us to have these extra body parts. Other times, it could be because of a medical condition or medication that we take.

Fortunately, not all of these extra body parts cause any problems, and some people even find them to be unique and special. But in some cases, they can cause pain or discomfort and may need to be removed.

It's important to remember that everyone is different, and our bodies can come in all sorts of shapes and sizes - with or without extra body parts. The most important thing is to love and appreciate our bodies, no matter what they look like.
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