ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Triple deities

Triple deities are like having three best friends who are all equally important to you. They are gods or goddesses who are three beings but work together as one. Think of them as three people who always hang out together, like the Three Musketeers, but they share powers and responsibilities.

In many cultures, people believe in triple deities. For example, in ancient Greek mythology, there were three goddesses called the Fates who controlled people's lives. The first Fate spun the thread of life, the second determined how long a person lived, and the third cut the thread when it was time for the person to die.

Similarly, the Norse goddesses, the Norns, were also triple deities who were responsible for weaving the threads of fate. They represented the past, present, and future.

Triple deities are also present in Hinduism and Buddhism. In Hinduism, there is a trinity of gods known as Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva who are responsible for creation, preservation, and destruction. In Buddhism, there are three aspects of the Buddha: the Buddha who existed in the past, the Buddha who exists in the present, and the Buddha who will exist in the future.

In essence, triple deities are important because they represent different aspects of a particular concept or idea, and their combined powers make them very powerful. They represent balance, harmony, and completeness, and they are believed to have the power to help people in various ways.