Syllabification is when we break up words into smaller parts called syllables. Syllables are like little beats in a word, and we say each syllable separately when we say the word out loud.
For example, the word "hello" has two syllables. We can break it up like this: "hel-lo." When we say the word, we say "hel" and then "lo" as two separate sounds.
Sometimes we might have to put two or three consonant sounds together to create a syllable. For example, the word "basket" has two syllables. We break it up as "bas-ket." When we say the word out loud, we say "bas" and "ket" as two separate sounds.
Syllables are important because they help us to read and spell words correctly. When we know how to break a word into syllables, we can pronounce it more easily and understand its meaning better.