ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


The tabernacle is a special place where people go to worship and talk to God. It's like a big tent or a building that is set up in a certain way to help people feel closer to God.

Think of it like a playhouse - you might have a special corner in your room where you've set up your favorite toys and pillows just the way you like them. When you play in that corner, you feel happy and safe. The tabernacle is kind of like that, but for grown-ups who want to be close to God.

The tabernacle is divided into different parts, like rooms in a house. In the very center is the Holy of Holies, which is the most special part of the tabernacle. This is where people believe God's presence is strongest. Only certain people, like priests or special elders, can go into the Holy of Holies.

Outside the Holy of Holies are other parts of the tabernacle where people can worship and pray. There might be an altar for offering sacrifices, a big bowl for washing, and different things to help people feel close to God.

Overall, the tabernacle is a special place where believers can go to be close to God and show their love and respect for him.