ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Taiwanese people

Taiwanese people are people who live in Taiwan, a small island country in the Pacific Ocean. Just like how you live in your own home, Taiwanese people consider Taiwan as their home.

Now, just like how every home has its own unique features, Taiwan also has its own unique culture, food, language, and traditions. Taiwanese people are proud of their country and its rich history and heritage.

Taiwanese people often speak the Mandarin language, but some also speak Taiwanese, which is a language that is unique to Taiwan. They also have their own traditional foods like baozi, bubble tea, and stinky tofu, which might not sound tasty to you but Taiwanese people love them!

There are also many festivals and celebrations throughout the year that are unique to Taiwan, like the Dragon Boat Festival, the Ghost Month, the Mid-Autumn Festival, and many more. These celebrations often include lots of food, colorful decorations, and performances.

At the end of the day, Taiwanese people are just like you and me. They have families, friends, hobbies, and interests, and they want to live happy and fulfilling lives. So if you ever meet a Taiwanese person, be kind and try to learn something new about their culture, and who knows, you might make a new friend!