ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Ok kiddo, so imagine you're in a big room with lots of toys on a table. You really want to play with one of the toys on the other side of the table but you can't quite reach it. So you try to grab it, but every time you get close it moves away from you.

That's kind of like what Tantalus was experiencing. He was a guy from a long time ago who did some bad things, and as punishment he was stuck in a place where he was always hungry and thirsty.

But there was food and water all around him, so you'd think he could just grab something to eat or drink, right? Nope! Every time he reached for something it would magically move just out of his reach.

So he was stuck in a never-ending cycle of being hungry and thirsty with food and water all around him, but he could never actually get any of it. Pretty frustrating, huh?

That's what Tantalus is all about - it's a kind of punishment where you're always so close to something you want, but you can never actually have it.
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