ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Teleradiology is like sharing a picture or a drawing with someone who lives far away.

Let's say you visit a doctor in your town, and he wants to see what's happening inside your body. He might take some X-rays or scans of your body. But, your doctor might not be the only person who needs to see those pictures.

If you had to go to another city or country to get specialized treatment, the new doctor would also need to see those pictures. However, they might not be able to travel to your doctor's office to see them.

That's where teleradiology comes in. Teleradiology is when pictures of your body are sent electronically from one place to another, using special equipment and a computer network.

This way, the new doctor can see those pictures on their own computer in a completely different location, even if they are far away. They can then use the pictures to make decisions about how to treat you.

Teleradiology can be especially helpful when a patient needs care urgently and doesn't have time to travel. It can save time and help doctors make faster and more accurate diagnoses.