ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

The Fourteen Infallibles

Okay, so imagine you have 14 really important people in your life - maybe your parents, your grandparents, your teacher, your doctor, your religious leader, and some other important people. Now, imagine that these 14 people are considered infallible, which means that they never make mistakes or do anything wrong.

In the Shia Muslim faith, there are 14 people who are considered infallible. These include the Prophet Muhammad, his daughter Fatima, and the twelve Imams who came after him. These infallibles are believed to have been chosen by Allah to lead and guide the Muslim community, and their teachings and actions are considered perfect examples for other Muslims to follow.

So, just like how you might look up to your parents or teacher as role models, Shia Muslims look up to these 14 infallibles and try to emulate their behavior and teachings in their own lives. They are seen as important figures who have a lot of knowledge and wisdom, and following their teachings is believed to help people live a good and righteous life.

In summary, the fourteen infallibles are 14 important and revered figures in the Shia Muslim faith who are believed to have been chosen by Allah to guide and lead the Muslim community, and their teachings and actions are considered perfect examples for other Muslims to follow.