Once upon a time, there was a story where a big and important king, who was dressed all in red, met a very mean witch. A witch is someone who can do magic, but sometimes people think they should be afraid of witches because they can be a bit scary. The witch was not very nice to the red king, and she wanted to make him very unhappy. However, there were some people who were called gypsies, who were very good at doing magic too, and they wanted to help the red king. They were kind and friendly and wanted to make sure the king was safe from the witch's magic.
The story goes that the gypsies told the red king that they knew how to stop the witch from being mean, and that was by giving her a special medicine to make her kind again. This medicine was made from some very special ingredients that were very hard to find. But the gypsies were good at finding things and promised to help the red king.
The red king was very happy, and the gypsies went off to search for the ingredients to make the medicine to help the witch. They searched the woods, the fields, and the hills, and finally, they found everything they needed. They mixed all the ingredients together, and the medicine was ready.
The gypsies took the medicine to the witch and gave it to her. At first, the witch was very angry and refused to take it, but she eventually drank it. Suddenly, the witch started to feel different. She felt kinder and realized that being mean was not the right way to be. The witch thanked the gypsies and the red king for helping her to become a kinder person.
And that is the story of the red king, the witch, and the gypsies!