ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

The captain goes down with the ship

Have you ever been on a big boat or seen one in a movie? Well, the person who is in charge of that boat is called the captain. They are responsible for making sure everything goes smoothly and everyone stays safe.

Now, imagine that something goes wrong with the boat and it starts to sink. That would be very scary, right? The captain might feel like he or she should leave the boat and save themselves. But that’s not what a good captain would do!

A good captain believes that they should stay on the boat until everyone else is off safely. They call this "the captain goes down with the ship." It means that the captain will stay on the boat until everyone else is safe, even if it means they might not make it out alive themselves.

This is a very brave and selfless thing to do. The captain is putting the safety of others before themselves. It’s kind of like when you share your toys with your friends even if you really want to play with them yourself. It’s important to think about others before ourselves sometimes.